Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Consumer and Business Services

Building Codes Division - Chapter 918

Division 308

Employment of Electrical Specialty Code Electrical Inspector

(1) Each municipality shall employ at least one electrical inspector certified to inspect under the Oregon Electrical Specialty Code. This requirement may be satisfied by contracting with another municipality having a qualified inspector. Regardless of how the staffing is provided, the minimum operating requirements in these rules shall also be met.

(2) The municipality shall provide the division with names and qualifications of its certified inspectors for general electrical and for one- and two- family dwelling inspections.

[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 479.730
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 479.855, 455.148 & 455.150
BCD 23-2008, f. 9-30-08, cert. ef. 10-1-08
BCD 19-1996, f. 9-17-96, cert. ef. 10-1-96, Renumbered from 918-300-0250
BCA 21-1993, f. 10-5-93, cert. ef 12-1-93

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