Oregon Secretary of State

Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission

Chapter 845

Division 6

Requirements for Oregon Retailers to Receive Malt Beverages, Wine or Cider from the Holder of a Direct to Retailer Permit

(1) The holder of a license issued under ORS 471.175, 471.178, 471.186, 471.190, or 471.200 may purchase and receive malt beverages, wine, and cider directly from the holder of a Direct to Retailer permit provided:

(a) The malt beverages, wine, and cider are received only at an address where the licensee holds a valid annual license issued under ORS 471.175, 471.178, 471.186, 471.190, or 471.200 or at an address where the licensee holds a special license issued by the Commission; and

(b) The malt beverages, wine, and cider are only for retail sale and service by the licensee at the address at which they were received.

(2) A person described in subsection (1) of this rule shall submit to the Commission on or before the 20th day of each month a report showing the quantity of malt beverages, wine, or cider received directly from holders of a Direct to Retailer permit during the immediately preceding calendar month, and any other information required by the Commission. This subsection does not apply to a person who receives in one month no more than a combined total of 10 liters of malt beverages, wine, or cider from all holders of a Direct to Retailer permit.

(3) ORS chapter 474 does not apply to a person described in subsection (1) of this rule when the retail licensee receives malt beverages, wine, or cider directly from the holder of a Direct to Retailer permit.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 471.030, 471.040 & 471.730 (1) & (5)
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 471.274 & 471.404
OLCC 8-2023, amend filed 12/18/2023, effective 01/02/2024
OLCC 8-2008, f. 6-12-08, cert. ef. 6-29-08
OLCC 23-2007(Temp), f. 12-14-07, cert. ef. 1-1-08 thru 6-28-08

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