Oregon Secretary of State

Land Conservation and Development Department

Chapter 660

Division 21

Urban Reserve Area Planning and Zoning

(1) Until included in the urban growth boundary, lands in urban reserves shall continue to be planned and zoned for rural uses in accordance with the requirements of this rule and the applicable statutes and goals, but in a manner that ensures a range of opportunities for the orderly, economic and efficient provision of urban services when these lands are included in the urban growth boundary.

(2) Urban reserve land use regulations shall ensure that development and land divisions in exception areas and nonresource lands will not hinder the efficient transition to urban land uses and the orderly and efficient provision of urban services. These measures shall be adopted by the time the urban reserves are designated, or in the case of those local governments with planning and zoning responsibility for lands in the vicinity of the Portland Metropolitan Area Urban Growth Boundary, by the time such local governments amend their comprehensive plan and zoning maps to implement urban reserve designations made by the Portland Metropolitan Service District. The measures may include:

(a) Prohibition on the creation of new parcels less than ten acres;

(b) Requirements for clustering as a condition of approval of new parcels;

(c) Requirements for preplatting of future lots or parcels;

(d) Requirements for written waivers of remonstrance against annexation to a provider of sewer, water or streets; and

(e) Regulation of the siting of new development on existing lots for the purpose of ensuring the potential for future urban development and public facilities.

(3) For exception areas and nonresource land in urban reserves, land use regulations shall prohibit zone amendments allowing more intensive uses, including higher residential density, than permitted by acknowledged zoning in effect as of the date of establishment of the urban reserves. Such regulations shall remain in effect until such time as the land is included in the urban growth boundary.

(4) Resource land that is included in urban reserves shall continue to be planned and zoned under the requirements of applicable statewide planning goals.

(5) Urban reserve agreements consistent with applicable comprehensive plans and meeting the requirements of OAR 660-021-0050 shall be adopted for urban reserves.

(6) Cities and counties are authorized to plan for the eventual provision of urban public facilities and services to urban reserves. However, this division is not intended to authorize urban levels of development or services in urban reserves prior to their inclusion in the urban growth boundary. This division is not intended to prevent any planning for, installation of, or connection to public facilities or services in urban reserves consistent with the statewide planning goals and with acknowledged comprehensive plans and land use regulations in effect on the applicable date of this division.

(7) A local government shall not prohibit the siting of a single family dwelling on a legal parcel pursuant to urban reserve planning requirements if the single family dwelling would otherwise have been allowed under law existing prior to the designation of the parcel as part of an urban reserve.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 197.040
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 195.145
LCDD 7-2011, f & cert. ef. 10-20-11
LCDD 1-2008, f. & cert. ef. 2-13-08
LCDD 4-2000, f. & cert. ef. 3-22-00
LCDD 3-1997, f. & cert. ef. 8-1-97
LCDD 2-1997(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 5-21-97
LCDC 5-1994, f. & cert. ef. 4-20-94
LCDC 2-1992, f. & cert. ef. 4-29-92

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