Oregon Secretary of State

Teacher Standards and Practices Commission

Chapter 584

Division 410

Verification of Candidate Recommendations (Field Audit)

(1) The Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) meets the standards for recommending candidates for licensure, endorsements, and specializations, as provided in 584-400-0160, Candidate Recommendation and Program Completion.

(2) The agency must verify compliance with the requirements for recommending candidates through a field audit of student records.

(3) The agency must conduct a field audit during the unit review process, in the form and manner adopted by the Commission, as provided in the Program Review and Standards Handbook and as provided in this rule.

(a) The field audit must include five percent, or 15 completer records, whichever is greater, from the average annual Full Time Equivalency (FTE) since the last unit approval. At the discretion of the Commission, if it is determined additional records are needed, they shall be provided upon request.

(b) The agency must randomly select the records to be audited and must provide no knowledge of the selected records to the EPP until the time of the audit.

(c) The field audit must review candidate records for completion of:

(A) Fingerprinting and background clearance;

(B) Teacher performance assessments, if required;

(C) Clinical practices, including records of supervision, observations and evaluations;

(D) Content knowledge assessment(s);

(E) Required coursework;

(F) Required competencies when competencies are used in lieu of required coursework;

(G) Waiver of program requirements;

(H) Protecting Student and Civil Rights in the Educational Environment exam, workshop or evidence that the candidate holds or has held a TSPC-issued license; and

(I) Program completion forms.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 342.165
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 342.147
TSPC 3-2023, amend filed 02/07/2023, effective 03/01/2023
TSPC 10-2021, minor correction filed 08/17/2021, effective 08/17/2021
TSPC 2-2020, amend filed 02/10/2020, effective 03/01/2020
TSPC 2-2018, adopt filed 04/17/2018, effective 04/17/2018

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