Oregon Secretary of State

Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission

Chapter 845

Division 6

Public Interest and Convenience Reasons for Cancellation or Suspension

(1) ORS 471.315(1)(d) allows the Commission to cancel or suspend a license for public convenience or necessity reasons. Under this authority, the Commission requires a licensee to have someone who can communicate effectively with customers and Commission regulatory employees. This person must be on the licensed premises during the licensees business hours. “Communicate effectively” means:

(a) Knowing how to lawfully sell and serve alcoholic beverages and communicating this to customers;

(b) Understanding Commission regulatory employees when the employees explain lawful sale and service of alcoholic beverages and responding in a way the employee understands.

(2) Failure of a licensee to comply with section (1) of this rule is a Category III violation.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 471, including 471.030, 471.040, 471.730(1) & (5)
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 471.315(1)(d)
OLCC 19-2000, f. 12-6-00, cert. ef. 1-1-01

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