Oregon Secretary of State

Oregon Health Authority

Health Licensing Office, Long Term Care Administrators Board - Chapter 853

Division 50

Continuing Education: Audit, Required Documentation and Sanctions

(1) The Office will audit a percentage of authorization holders to verify compliance with continuing education requirements.

(2) Authorization holders notified of selection for audit of continuing education attestation shall submit to the Office, within 30 calendar days from the date of issuance of the notification, satisfactory evidence of participation in required continuing education in accordance with OAR 853-050-0000.

(3) If selected for audit, the authorization holder must provide documentation of the required continuing education, which must include:

(a) For courses provided by an accredited college or university: An official transcript from the accredited college or university; 

(b) For NAB approved programs or courses: A certificate of completion that includes the NAB approval number; or

(c) For Office pre-approved programs or courses: A certificate of completion or other Office approved documentation that includes the Office pre-approval number.

(4) If documentation of continuing education is incomplete, the registrant has 30 calendar days from the date of notice to submit further documentation to substantiate having completed the required continuing education.  

(5) Failure to meet continuing education requirements shall constitute grounds for disciplinary action, which may include but is not limited to assessment of a civil penalty and suspension or revocation of the license.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 676.560, ORS 676.565, ORS 678.710-678.820, ORS 678.990 & 2018 House Bill 4129
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 676.560, ORS 676.565, ORS 678.710-678.820, ORS 678.990 & 2018 House Bill 4129
LTCA 2-2019, amend filed 11/12/2019, effective 12/01/2019
NHAB 12-2018, minor correction filed 02/02/2018, effective 02/02/2018
NHAB 1-2011, f. 12-15-11, cert. ef. 1-1-12

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