Oregon Secretary of State

Oregon Department of Education

Chapter 581

Division 20

Determination and Distribution of Available Moneys

(1) The Oregon Department of Education shall determine the Program components to be funded each fiscal biennium, which may include:

(a) The amount of moneys available for the Chronic Absenteeism Reduction Program;

(b) The amount of moneys to be distributed to each lead Regional Support entity for purposes described in OAR 581-020-0640;

(c) The amount of moneys to be distributed to each school district that agrees to receive targeted assistance under OAR 581-020-0646;

(d) The amount of moneys to be used to train chronic absenteeism coaches under OAR 581-020-0649; and

(e) The amount of moneys to be used for Integrated Community Partnership Grants under OAR 581-020-0655.

(2) The Oregon Department of Education may distribute moneys under this rule in allotments and may require distributed moneys to be used for a specific purpose.

(3) The Oregon Department of Education may enter into one or more agreements with regional or community organizations or an organization that represents school districts for the purpose of making distributions to the lead Regional Support entities under this rule.

(4) If a school district does not act in accordance with a plan developed under OAR 581-020-0640 or 581-020-0646 or otherwise does not comply with a provision of OAR 581-020-0631 to OAR 581-020-0655 or an agreement entered into for purposes related to addressing the root causes of chronic absenteeism, the Oregon Department of Education may suspend, or withhold and reallocate, moneys that otherwise would be distributed to the school district.

(5) If a Regional Support entity does not act in accordance with a plan developed under OAR 581-020-0640 or 581-020-0646 or otherwise does not comply with a provision of OAR 581-020-0631 to OAR 581-020-0655 or an agreement entered into for purposes related to addressing the root causes of chronic absenteeism, the Oregon Department of Education may suspend, or withhold and reallocate, moneys that otherwise would be distributed to the Regional Support entity.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 326.051
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 326.051
ODE 55-2022, amend filed 12/19/2022, effective 12/19/2022
ODE 8-2019, adopt filed 02/06/2019, effective 02/06/2019

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