Oregon Secretary of State

Oregon Health Authority

Public Health Division - Chapter 333

Division 18

Who Is Responsible for Reporting

(1) Each health care provider knowing of or attending a human case or suspected human case of any of the diseases, infections, or conditions listed in OAR 333-018-0015 shall report such cases as specified. Where no health care provider is in attendance, any individual knowing of such a case shall report in a similar manner. An individual required to report reportable diseases who is unsure whether a case meets the definition of a suspect case as that is defined in OAR 333-017-0000 should err on the side of reporting if the suspected disease, infection, or condition is one that:

(a) Is required to be reported immediately or within 24 hours under OAR 333-018-0015;

(b) Is highly transmissible; or

(c) Results in serious or severe health consequences.

(2) Each health care facility, where more than one health care provider may know or attend a human case or suspected human case, may establish administrative procedures to ensure that every case is reported.

(3) Each licensed laboratory shall report human test results as specified in OAR 333-018-0015(5). When more than one licensed laboratory is involved in testing a specimen, the laboratory that is responsible for reporting the test result directly to the health care provider that ordered the test shall be responsible for reporting.

(4) Each veterinary laboratory or licensed laboratory shall report animal test results as specified in OAR 333-018-0017. When more than one laboratory is involved in testing a specimen, the laboratory that is responsible for reporting the test result directly to the licensed veterinarian or client of record caring for the animal shall be responsible for reporting.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 413.042, 433.004 & 433.329
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 433.004 & 433.332
PH 181-2022, minor correction filed 08/11/2022, effective 08/11/2022
PH 175-2022, minor correction filed 08/11/2022, effective 08/11/2022
PH 7-2011, f. & cert. ef. 8-19-11
PH 5-2010, f. & cert. ef. 3-11-10
OHD 3-2002, f. & cert. ef. 3-4-02
HD 29-1994, f. & cert. ef. 12-2-94
HD 4-1987, f. 6-12-87, ef. 6-19-87
HD 15-1981, f. 8-13-81, ef. 8-15-81

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