Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Energy

Energy Facility Siting Council - Chapter 345

Division 24

Standards for Fossil-Fueled Power Plants and Energy Facilities that Emit Carbon Dioxide

(1) Notwithstanding OAR 345-024-0503 through 345-024-0720, to issue a site certificate for a fossil-fueled power plant on or after September 25, 2021, the Council must find that the facility will only generate electricity in a manner that does not emit greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.

(2) If the facility will rely on carbon capture, sequestration, and storage to satisfy the requirements of section (1), the Council must find that the certificate holder has demonstrated that the structures, systems, components, and monitoring programs at the facility are reasonably likely to result in the permanent capture, sequestration, and storage of greenhouse gasses that result from the generation of electricity at the facility.

(3) To issue a site certificate for a nongenerating facility that will emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the Council must find that the energy facility complies with the carbon dioxide emissions standard under OAR 345-024-0620.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 469.470
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 469.413(1), 469.501 & 469.503
EFSC 1-2022, amend filed 07/25/2022, effective 07/25/2022
EFSC 2-1999, f. & cert. ef. 4-14-99

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